Terms of Reference for Consultancy &Technical assistance towards developing the Strategic Plan

Job Description

Terms of Reference

Consultancy &Technical assistance towards developing the  Strategic Plan for ZamZam Foundation (2025 – 2030)

Assignment: Consultancy contract

Duration: 3 months (July-Sep, 2024)

Location:  Mogadishu, Somalia

  1. Background

Zamzam Foundation is a humanitarian and development charity founded in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1992 to serve the most vulnerable members of society at a time of severe crisis. From its establishment as a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization in the heart of the humanitarian emergency that followed the outbreak of the civil war in Somalia in 1991, the organization has grown to become the largest national humanitarian and development organization in Somalia with over three decades of experience, providing relief and support services to those most affected by the joint forces of conflict and climate change.

  1. Rationale

Zamzam Foundation is intending to revise a  strategic plan to guide the organization on strategic objectives for the next 6 years. The  strategic plan will guide and inform our staff, board, volunteers, development and funding partners, donors, and other stakeholders of the work we are doing and foster strong linkages and partnerships to achieve maximum results and impact. It will set out a clear framework for accountability, and mechanisms of achieving the stated objectives as well as ensuring that the sustainable impact of our programmes will be measured, critiqued and/or appreciated. The strategy will also highlight the principles that guide Zamzam’s work and how these are reflected in future programming.

  1. Objective of the consultancy

The main objective of this task is to produce a  strategic plan for Zamzam Foundation with thematic and sectoral work plans and a Monitoring and Evaluation plan based on key Zamzam Foundation priority areas in order to achieve the desired organizational vision and mission.

3.1. Specific objectives:

  • Review existing policies, strategies, and frameworks for providing humanitarian assistance to displaced and rural populations from Somalia.
  • Develop a  Strategic Plan that will demonstrate the intersections of the humanitarian, development, peacebuilding and climate change aspects of Zamzam’s work in a coherent way (nexus approach).

    Produce a final version of the  Strategic Plan and related documents (work plans) with a clear monitoring and evaluation plan ready for approval.

    1. Results and Deliverables
    • Inception report.
    • Present regular progress updates on the Plan development process to Zamzam Foundation
    • Draft Strategic Plan for Zamzam Foundation (2025 – 2030);
    • Thematic and sectoral work plans and Monitoring and Evaluation plans and budget? based on the  strategic plan.
    • Develop a PowerPoint presentation of the  strategic plan.
    • Final  Strategic Plan with feedback incorporated.
    1. Scope of work

    The consultant will be required to develop a six-year strategic plan for Zamzam (2025 – 2030). The  Strategic Plan must address inter alia the situation of vulnerable populations especially IDPs and poor rural communities in Somalia which will ultimately influence the final deliverable. The Plan will enable Zamzam Foundation to (i) leverage its strengths towards promoting humanitarian and development work in Somalia, enhancing its operations and  decision-making; (ii) better position Zamzam Foundation as the lead agency in providing humanitarian and development in Somalia.

    The consultancy is expected to draw from any best practices within this area and incorporate them into the Plan. Specifically, the consultancy will undertake the following actions:

    1. a)Conduct desk review on the various existing relevant policies, assessments, frameworks and strategies on the provision of humanitarian and development assistance in Somalia and elsewhere globally. This review should include but not be limited to the following: Global humanitarian best practices and Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.
    2. b)Identification of the sectors/departments having a direct and indirect interest in the  Strategic Plan;
    3. c)Including in the plan techniques and tools to carry out all activities in the Sectors/departments through a localization approach;
    4. d)Including in the plan a clear strategy for achieving long term partnerships based on equity, trust, accountability and justice;

      Prepare the draft six-year  Strategic Plan (2025 -2030) and convene consultations with relevant Sectors/departments to inform of the development of the plan and convene a validation workshop to share findings and receive feedback from Sectors/departments to incorporate into the plan.

      More specifically, and in close collaboration with Zamzam Foundation, s/he will undertake the following tasks:

      • Prepare an inception report detailing the scope, methodology, and work plan to achieve outputs, outcomes and results;
      • Review relevant documentation including relevant policies, framework, and plans;
      • Identify and conduct interview and consultation with Sectors/departments and key external stakeholders who work or have in/direct interest in Zamzam Foundation activities;
      • Develop the draft  Strategic Plan for Zamzam Foundation and share it with Sectors/departments for comments and inputs;
      • Incorporate agreed inputs to the draft  Strategic Plan;
      • Present the draft Strategic Plan for validation by Zamzam Foundation
      • Prepare thematic and sectoral work plans and Monitoring and Evaluation plans and budget? Based on the Strategic Plan.

      Based on the above, the consultant will prepare and complete the six-year Strategic Plan which will be guided by the outcomes of the following preliminary activities:

      Identification of the Sectors/departments/SWOT Analysis

      • The Consultant must, at the onset of the planning process, identify all sectors/departments and other key external stakeholders having a direct and indirect interest in the  Strategic Plan.
      • Work with Zamzam Foundation to facilitate the participation of all the sectors/departments and key external stakeholders in the planning process at different stages through various meetings/workshops. This will form part of the development and finalization of the  Strategic Plan.
      • The identification of the Sectors/departments and key external stakeholders would be essential in assisting Zamzam Foundation to determine their programmatic focus and possible areas of partnership.
      1. a)Context: This will include but not be limited to:
      • Development of an understanding of Zamzam Foundation core projects and activities on humanitarian, development and peace interventions.
      • Current relevant policy frameworks, laws, approaches, and development plans. The  strategic plan will be closely aligned with the Somalia National Development plan, Global humanitarian policies and best practices as well as 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
      • Review of Zamzam’s structure and institutional arrangements at both national and subnational and international levels;

      The resulting six-year  Strategic Plan, with its detailed plan of Implementation, cost estimates, and list of identified principal partners, will provide clear guidelines on the overall implementation of Zamzam’s work towards efficient delivery of strategic objectives and outcomes.

      1. Methodology

      The consultant is required to use appropriate and consistent methods to achieve the purpose of developing the  Strategic Plan. The methodology will incorporate but not limited to the following:

      • Prepare a detailed methodology to be included in an inception report.
      • Review of existing information through systematic desk research.
      • Collection and collation of available majorly qualitative data through Sector and stakeholder consultations – Focus Group Discussions and Workshops.
      • Key Informant Interviews with identified Sectors/departments (including phone interviews where field visits cannot be undertaken) and other key external stakeholders.

        Skills and Qualifications

        The consultant/consulting firm/companies should meet the following requirements:

        1. a)Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in one of the following fields is required: Law studies, Political science, Public policy, Social science, International relations,

        Economics, Development studies, and other relevant technical field;

        1. b)At least 5 -7 years of relevant professional experience.
        2. c)A proven track record of consulting in the area of strategic and development planning, public policy development, and legal frameworks.
        3. d)Experience in climate related programming and resourcing;
        4. e)Experience in providing technical support at various levels of the government related to  strategic planning and development.
        5. f)Understanding of Somalia’s context and government policies, guidelines, legislation, and strategies related to humanitarian and development programming, excellent and proven analytical skills.
        6. g)Relevant documented experience in related or similar assignment for INGOs/NNGOs
        7. h)Excellent organizational and communication skills, ability to prioritize and work with minimum supervision.
        8. i)Experience in the Horn of Africa region will be considered an added advantage.
        9. j)Relevant authority registration in the case for consulting firm and company to operate with Somalia
        10. Language:

        Proficiency in written and oral communication skills in English.

        All reports will be submitted in English.

        Selection Criteria

        1. a)Submit a Technical Proposal that clearly explains the proposed methodology/ approach, and timeframe to conduct the consultancy. Proposals must clearly demonstrate a nuanced comprehension of the objectives as detailed in the Terms of Reference. Proposed methodologies should outline pragmatic and effective strategies for engaging stakeholders, collecting data, and analyzing, ensuring adaptability and effectiveness in the Somali context, and understanding of the TOR.
        2. b)Submit financial proposal that clearly outlines the cost break down.
        3. c)Prior relevant experience in conducting similar scope of work.
        4. d)Consultant Expertise the consultant is expected to demonstrate comprehensive qualifications and skills. Submit CV.

        How to apply

        Qualified Consultancy Firms are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals and Lead consultant and associated personnel CVs and other relevant documentation to

        procurment@zamzamsom.org,       copy        to          Procurement         Officer:

        Subject: ZZF strategy 2025-2030 consultancy.

        All proposals should be submitted not later than 5th July, 2024 16:00EAT




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